Sexual Harassment / Title IX Officer
Sexual Harassment Prevention Trainings
Sexual Harassment Prevention Educational Programs are available for faculty, staff, and students to increase awareness and provide resources. Options include group presentations and online training.
Group Sexual Harassment Prevention Presentations for groups of 40 or more are available. Those requesting training/workshops include:
- Student Organizations, Clubs, and Teams
- Teaching Assistants
- Resident Assistants
- Non-Supervisory Staff Groups
- Individual Schools and/or Departments
Topics include policies and laws regarding sexual harassment, examples of sexual harassment, liability and effects of sexual harassment, resources for resolving complaints, due process and retaliation protection for complainants and for respondents, and First Amendment/academic freedom issues.
Sexual Harassment Prevention for Supervisors and Academics (AB1825-compliant) is available both online and in person. California law (AB1825), which went into effect in 2005, requires employers to provide all supervisors at least two hours of mandatory training in sexual harassment prevention every two years. The most recent online course, launched in September 2007 by the Office of the President, provides individualized links to those required to complete the course. Individual department-level instructor-led courses can also be scheduled by contacting the OEOD at 949-824-5594. The Sexual Harassment Officer also offers general training sessions open to all UCI supervisors and academics. Registration for these sessions is available through UC Learning Center.