
UCI has nondiscrimination policies for both employment and student-related matters. The policies apply throughout the University of California system, and are provided below for your reference.

UCI faculty, staff, and students who believe that they have been discriminated against based on any of the protected categories listed in the applicable policy above have the right to seek resolution through the Office of Equal Opportunity & Diversity (OEOD). OEOD offers both formal and informal resolution options. Use of the informal options does not preclude a complainant from later pursuing the formal process.

Informal Resolution

The goal of informal resolution is to resolve concerns at the earliest stage possible. Informal resolution is appropriate where the parties desire to resolve the situation cooperatively and/or otherwise negotiate a satisfactory outcome without initiating a formal investigation. Means for informal resolution are flexible and encompass a full range of possible appropriate outcomes. Such options include discussion with the parties, mediating an agreement between the parties, separating the parties, referring the parties to counseling programs, negotiating an agreement for disciplinary action, conducting targeted education and training programs, and remedies for the individual harmed by the harassment. 

Formal Resolution

The formal resolution process generally involves a written complaint of discrimination and a fact-finding investigation that results in a report of findings as to whether the nondiscrimination policy has been violated.

Complaint Procedures

Both resolution options, including Formal Complaint procedures, are available online at UCI Guidelines for Discrimination Complaint Resolution. 

External Agencies

California Civil Rights Department (CRD) - https://calcivilrights.ca.gov/ 
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) - www.eeoc.gov
U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR) - www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/index.html

Contact Information

For more information or to meet with an OEOD investigator, please contact the office via one of the methods below:

Main Line : (949) 824-5594 
Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Hotline: (949) 824-7037
Email: oeod@uci.edu 
Campus Office: 103 MSTB 
Medical Center Office: 3800 West Chapman Ave, Suite 7601 (by appointment)